Legislative Center
The Legislative and Political Affairs Department is our “bullhorn” on Capitol Hill- serving to inform and lobby our lawmakers on issues and legislation of vital importance to NAPS and the Postal Service. The Department’s purpose is to build relationships between NAPS and members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives.
These relationships are built through regular ongoing dialogues between department staff and lawmakers and their staff and through rigorous financial support courtesy of the Supervisor’s Political Action Committee. This homepage will serve as the hub where you can find all the information you need to be an effective advocate on all Postal issues.
Supervisors Political Action Committee (SPAC)
What is SPAC?
In 1978, the NAPS Executive Board established the Supervisors Political Action Committee (SPAC) as the legislative fundraising arm of the organization.
Since then, SPAC has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to aid political candidates who support the organization's issues. Only NAPS regular, associate or auxiliary members are eligible to donate to SPAC. Members can donate online, through payroll deductions or by sending a check or money order to NAPS Headquarters. Cash donations will not be accepted. More information about SPAC is listed below.
2019 NAPS Supported Legislation
In addition to NAPS' top legislative priorities, Postal Reform and MSPB Rights to all EAS, we also monitor and lend support for a number of other bills that affect the USPS and Federal employees. Check out some of those bills below.
The NAPS Legislative Support page ensures that NAPS members have the tools to act on behalf of and to protect the Postal and Fed/Postal communities. We regard the legislative bill-tracking program as an important and unprecedented step to enhance the effectiveness and advance the common interests of NAPS as well as the Fed/Postal Community we partner with by allowing members to become more readily aware of key pieces of legislation that may greatly impact the life and working condition of our members and the federal workforce.
Legislative and Regulatory Affairs